1 Samuel
Rise of Kings
Summary of 1 Samuel
31 chapters ● 68 min ● 1050-1000 BCE
The Book of 1 Samuel is the first book of the Books of Samuel in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It tells the story of the transition of leadership in Israel from the judges, who were temporary leaders appointed by God, to a monarchy, with a king ruling over the people. The book begins with the story of Hannah, who prayed to God for a son and was blessed with the birth of Samuel. Samuel grows up to be a prophet and judge, and he anoints Saul as the first king of Israel. However, Saul disobeys God and is replaced by David, a young shepherd who becomes a great warrior and defeats the Philistine giant Goliath. Key figures in the book of 1 Samuel include Samuel, Hannah, Saul, and David. The book also mentions various other individuals, such as Eli, the high priest, and the prophets Nathan and Gad. The book also includes stories of various battles and conflicts, such as the Philistine wars and the struggle between Saul and David for the throne of Israel.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of 1 Samuel. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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Hannah's Prayer
1 Samuel, 1
28 verses ● 3 min
A barren woman named Hannah prays for a son and dedicates him to God's service when he is born. She gives birth to Samuel and raises him in the temple.
Read the chapterHannah's Song of Praise
1 Samuel, 2
36 verses ● 4 min
Hannah sings a song of thanksgiving for God's blessing of a son, declaring that God lifts up the humble and brings down the proud.
Read the chapterThe Lord Calls Samuel
1 Samuel, 3
21 verses ● 2 min
Samuel is called by God to be a prophet while he is serving in the temple. He initially mistakes God's voice for the voice of the priest Eli.
Read the chapterIsrael Defeated by the Philistines
1 Samuel, 4
22 verses ● 2 min
The Israelites are defeated in battle against the Philistines, and the Ark of the Covenant is captured. This leads to a period of fear and repentance among the people.
Read the chapterThe Ark in Philistine Hands
1 Samuel, 5
12 verses ● 2 min
The Philistines experience various plagues and misfortunes after capturing the Ark, so they return it to the Israelites.
Read the chapterThe Ark Returns to Israel
1 Samuel, 6
21 verses ● 2 min
The Ark is returned to the Israelites, and a sacrifice is made in gratitude.
Read the chapterSamuel Leads Israel
1 Samuel, 7
17 verses ● 2 min
Samuel leads the Israelites in a period of victory and prosperity. He judges the people justly and serves as a mediator between God and the people.
Read the chapterThe People Demand a King
1 Samuel, 8
22 verses ● 2 min
The people of Israel demand a king, even though God has been their king through the judges and prophets. Samuel warns them of the dangers of having a human king, but they persist in their demand.
Read the chapterSaul Chosen as King
1 Samuel, 9
27 verses ● 3 min
Saul is chosen by God to be the first king of Israel, and he is anointed by Samuel.
Read the chapterSaul's Reign Begins
1 Samuel, 10
27 verses ● 3 min
Saul's reign as king begins, and he experiences military victories and the affirmation of the people.
Read the chapterSaul's Disobedience and Rejection
1 Samuel, 11
15 verses ● 2 min
Saul disobeys God's commands, leading to his rejection as king. Samuel anoints David as the next king.
Read the chapterDavid Anointed King
1 Samuel, 12
25 verses ● 3 min
David is anointed as the next king of Israel by Samuel.
Read the chapterSaul's Jealousy of David
1 Samuel, 13
23 verses ● 2 min
Saul becomes jealous of David's military victories and popularity, leading to a period of conflict between the two.
Read the chapterJonathan and David's Friendship
1 Samuel, 14
52 verses ● 5 min
David and Jonathan, Saul's son, form a close friendship despite Saul's attempts to harm David.
Read the chapterSaul Disobeys God Again
1 Samuel, 15
35 verses ● 3 min
Saul disobeys God's commands and is rejected as king for a second time.
Read the chapterDavid Anointed King Again
1 Samuel, 16
23 verses ● 2 min
David is anointed as the next king of Israel for a second time by Samuel.
Read the chapterDavid and Goliath
1 Samuel, 17
58 verses ● 5 min
David defeats the giant Philistine warrior Goliath, establishing himself as a great military leader.
Read the chapterDavid's Success and Saul's Jealousy
1 Samuel, 18
30 verses ● 3 min
David continues to have success as a military leader, and Saul's jealousy intensifies.
Read the chapterMichal Helps David Escape
1 Samuel, 19
24 verses ● 3 min
Saul tries to kill David, who flees and becomes a fugitive.
Read the chapterJonathan Warns David
1 Samuel, 20
42 verses ● 4 min
David and Jonathan renew their friendship and make a covenant with each other.
Read the chapterDavid Escapes to Nob
1 Samuel, 21
15 verses ● 2 min
David escapes to the city of Nob, where he receives help from the priests.
Read the chapterSaul's Bloody Vengeance
1 Samuel, 22
23 verses ● 2 min
David lives in the wilderness and attracts a band of followers as he evades Saul's attempts to capture him.
Read the chapterDavid Rescues Keilah
1 Samuel, 23
29 verses ● 3 min
David rescues the city of Keilah from a Philistine invasion.
Read the chapterSaul and David at Cave of Adullam
1 Samuel, 24
22 verses ● 2 min
Saul and David encounter each other at the Cave of Adullam, but David spares Saul's life.
Read the chapterDeath of Samuel
1 Samuel, 25
44 verses ● 4 min
Samuel dies, and David mourns his loss.
Read the chapterDavid Spares Saul Again
1 Samuel, 26
25 verses ● 3 min
David encounters Saul again and spares his life for a second time.
Read the chapterDavid Joins the Philistines
1 Samuel, 27
12 verses ● 2 min
David joins forces with the Philistines, but is met with suspicion by their leaders.
Read the chapterSaul Consult with a Medium
1 Samuel, 28
25 verses ● 3 min
Saul consults with a medium to speak to the dead Samuel, who prophesies Saul's impending defeat and death.
Read the chapterDavid Rejected by the Philistines
1 Samuel, 29
11 verses ● 1 min
The Philistines reject David as an ally and send him back to the Israelites.
Read the chapterDavid's Victory Over the Amalekites
1 Samuel, 30
31 verses ● 3 min
David leads his men in a victorious battle against the Amalekites, rescuing their families and possessions.
Read the chapterSaul's Death on Mount Gilboa
1 Samuel, 31
13 verses ● 2 min
Saul and Jonathan die in battle against the Philistines. David mourns their loss and sings a lament for them.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of 1 Samuel,it would take approximately 8 minutes to finish.
There are 810 verses in the book of 1 Samuel, which is organized into 31 chapters.
The book of 1 Samuel was written within the range of .